Back to school.
Words that in a normal year inspire a weird combination of all possible emotions. This year, those words are taking on new meaning as nobody’s version of “back to school” is going to be the same as it used to be. Whether school is in a properly socially distanced classroom or at the kitchen table, everyone is in for an adventure this school year!
No matter what back to school looks like for you, it’s important that we all make this year unforgettable in a good way. When our routines and our lives are totally upended, a little extra fun is beneficial for everyone, not just the kids!
I’ve compiled a how-to guide for a super fun, super different school year. From back to school essentials like masks (who thought they would ever have to say that!), to kid-friendly snacks, here’s to an unforgettable 2020 school year!

01. Start this school year off right with a reminder that we all need to hear! This inspirational pencil case from OfWarmthAndWhimsy reminds us that being ourselves is our best (and truly our only) choice.
02. The first day of school is a big deal no matter what grade you are entering, but for your little ones it’s an even bigger deal! Help them celebrate in style with this adorable First Day of School t-shirt from iheartartandbaby!
03. Okay moms, we know that this year has been (and will be) harder than normal, so coffee is definitely #1. This funny mug from CaffeineAndWine will make everyone understand why you might occasionally talk to yourself!
04. Have a young sports fan in your home? These sports themed spiral notebooks from EmilyCromwellDesigns can be personalized with your child’s name and come in various sizes. They would make a great back to school gift!
05. So maybe your child isn’t into sports, how about Outer Space? My very own Psalm 8 moon notebook is a perfect place for them to take notes this year.
06. All kids love crayons, but have you ever heard of a crayon water bottle? These water bottles from RileyJuneCreations are some of the coolest back to school supplies we’ve seen in awhile!
07. Masks. Yes, the school supply you never thought you’d need. But hey, if you have to wear one you might as well choose one that fits your personality, right? These reusable cloth masks from JanamilyDesign come in several sizes and a vast assortment of colors and patterns. Everyone in your house is sure to find one they love!
08. This year more than ever, both we and our kids need the reminder to be brave and to be ourselves. This beautiful, simple leather bracelet from laureldenise is a great gift.
09. Let’s admit it, this year has been hard, and it probably isn’t going to get easier anytime soon. But hard things often lead to amazing things. This notebook from CulturalBindings features an amazingly inspirational quote from C.S. Lewis that reminds us that “hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.” If that is true, we must all have a really extraordinary destiny ahead of us!!
Now that you have all the supplies covered (or some of them anyway:), how about some special snacks for the First Day of School? I found some really tasty looking recipes, many of which your kids could help make, that could make this year’s first day a little more exciting. Who knows, maybe some of them will even become new favorites for the rest of the year! And don’t worry, many of these recipes are allergy-friendly or easily adaptable so anyone can eat them!
25 Healthy Back To School Lunch Ideas (Hip Foodie Mom)
Chia Coconut Pudding Popsicles (The View From Great Island)
Peanut Butter Buckwheat Granola Bars (Cake, Cookie, Pie Fest)
Kid-Friendly Veggie Nuggets (Real Mom Nutrition)
No Bake Toddler Oatmeal Bites (Learning Momma)
Kid-Friendly Vegetable Muffins (The Natural Nurturer)
15 Healthy and Filling After School Snacks for Kids (Good In the Simple)
Creative and Fun After School Snack Ideas (About a Mom)
Now that you have ideas, it’s time to go plan an awesome First Day of School! Whether you’re sending your kid off to their first day of kindergarten or you’re teaching middle school math at the kitchen table (I’m wishing all of you good luck:), this school year will definitely be one to remember!
Do you have any other awesome back to school ideas? Be sure to let me know in the comments!
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